About Us
We inform, help and support the Rinzellular community
Who is Rinzelluar and what do I hope accomplish with my website?
First, I am a member of the Homosapien species—unique in the sense of the word ‘person.’ Like everyone else, I seek acknowledgment and identity in this void we call the universe; hence, I’ve created this website, rinzellular.com. As an intelligent human, I characterize myself as a well-rounded person with profound knowledge of various things. I enjoy rambling off topics, as you will see in my blogs. Consider this website my contribution to the world as I continue to process information from all of the noises from outside of myself.
Second, the main goal of my website is to help people engage with and become aware and informed of the possibility of a future that they did not quite expect as we as a human race become more immersed with a very fast-approaching influx of new technology and information. Have you noticed that technologies and information are traveling at a rate spectacularly that is almost compared to that of the ‘speed of light?’ Yes, that is exactly what I mean; we either face this new fate with a ‘helmet’ and enjoy the ride or we dig ourselves a grave and stop ourselves from the ‘baptism’ of the immersion of this future fate of ours.
I hope this message finds you with good hopes and excited spirits about the opportune prospect that the future may bring.
If you would like to contribute in any way to my website please send me a message or donate directly to my Paypal link. Thanks!
Rin C.
Inspiring creative work
I am constantly looking for opportunities for our team to have new creative experiences. Let me know!
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